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Suggestions for Teaching

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The Curiosity Fair is a fair that shows what is weird and wonderful about what we research, teach, and explore at UK. Our curiosity stations represent many disciplines and fields at UK. Curiosity is at the heart of learning, so encouraging your students to attend enhances their understanding of what a college education can do. You can also attend the fair to get ideas of how you might use experiential learning and demos to spark more curiosity in your own classroom. Feel free to reach out to CELT (Center for the Enhancement of Learning & Teaching) for more ideas.

So how can you involve your class?

  • Take a class field trip to the fair!  

  • Class Discussion:
    • Rank and debate which stations incited the most curiosity and why
    • Ask a researcher about their research process
    • Discuss a demo that shows real world application of your class
    • Imagine a real world application of your class based on something you saw at the fair
    • Imagine what kind of Curiosity Station could get people to see what's cool about their field/major

  • Canvas Discussion Boards:
    • Selfie scavenger hunt of the most curious stations
    • Write a review of the fair of a particular demo for extra credit
    • Conduct and write up an interview with one of the demonstrators
    • Encourage students to visit the fair and report on informal discussions that sparked their own curiosity



Curious to know more?

Check out some books on Curiosity available at UK Libraries.

Videos related to curiosity and education: